Carbon & Purafil Room Filter
This model is what we call our “Super Model”. It contains a Purafil/Carbon Filter and has become the most popular Air Purifier.
Removes: Mold Spores, Dust Mites, Pollen, Formaldehyde, Irritating Gases, Offensive Odors and much more.
Replacement filters are available upon purchasing of the unit.

Full spectrum/ Multi-Function (removes gases and particles from air)
Quiet 2-speed operation (Perfect for bedroom use)
Service Area – 250 square feet (2000 cubic feet) 12’x20’ w/ 8 foot ceiling
Whisper Quiet
125cfm air recirculation rate
100% filtration, no bypassed air.
Metal with baked white enamel finish using non-toxic zero out gassing paint.
Compact and portable, use in any room desired.
Heavy duty blower with sealed internal motor for safe trouble-free operation.
Four (4) plus pounds of our broad spectrum Coconut Carbon/Purafil media.
Sealant and adhesive free.
Filter size – 400 square inches
(.3) particle filter
Efficiency – 99.26%
Floor or table placement
Stands 13 inches high by 10 inches in diameter.
Weight 14 lbs
Handle for easy transport, to go where you go.
110 vac – .6 amps low - .7 high
Power consumption is less than a 75 watt light bulb
100% Coconut Carbon/Purafil Car Filter
This model is like our "Super Room Model", but is more compact with superior cleaning ability. It contains a Purafil/Carbon Filter and is the most popular Car Air Purifier.
Removes: Mold Spores, Dust Mites, Pollen, Formaldehyde, Irritating Gases, Offensive Odors and much more.

Full spectrum/ Multi-Function (removes gases and particle from air)
2-speed operation
Service Area – Auto
75cfm air recirculation rate
100% filtration, no bypassed air.
Metal with baked white enamel finish using non-toxic zero out gassing paint.
Compact and portable
Handle for easy transport
Heavy duty blower with sealed internal motor for safe trouble-free operation.
Two (2) plus pounds of our broad spectrum 100% Coconut Carbon/Purafil Media
Sealant and adhesive free.
Filter size – 200 square inches
(.3) particle filter
Efficiency – 99.26%
Floor or seat placement
Stands 6 inches high by 10 inches in diameter.
Weight 10 lbs
12VDC– 2 amps low - 3.5 amps high
Power consumption is easy on your car battery
100% Coconut Carbon Room Filter
Coconut Carbon has a much higher capacity to absorb small molecules such as volatile organic chemicals (VOC).
Removes: Mold Spores, Dust Mites, Pollen, Formaldehyde, Irritating Gases, Offensive Odors and much more
Replacement filters are available upon purchasing of the unit.

Full spectrum/ Multi-Function (removes gases and particles from air)
Quiet 2-speed operation (Perfect for bedroom use)
Service Area – 250 square feet (2000 cubic feet) 12'x20' w/ 8 foot ceiling
Whisper Quiet
125cfm air recirculation rate
100% filtration, no bypassed air.
Metal with baked white enamel finish using non-toxic zero out gassing paint.
Compact and portable, use in any room desired.
Heavy duty blower with sealed internal motor for safe trouble-free operation.
Four (4) plus pounds of our broad spectrum 100% Coconut Carbon media.
Sealant and adhesive free.
Filter size – 400 square inches
(.3) particle filter
Efficiency – 99.26%
Floor or table placement
Stands 13 inches high by 10 inches in diameter.
Weight 14 lbs
Handle for easy transport, to go where you go.
110 vac – .6 amps low - .7 high
Power consumption is less than a 75 watt light bulb
100% Bituminous Carbon Room Filter
Bituminous Carbon has a higher range to absorb molecules from small to medium.
It is also used by our customers who may have a sensitivity to Coconut shell carbon.
Removes: Mold Spores, Dust Mites, Pollen, Formaldehyde, Irritating Gases, Offensive Odors and much more
Replacement filters are available upon purchasing of the unit.

Full spectrum/ Multi-Function (removes gases and particles from air)
Quiet 2-speed operation (Perfect for bedroom use)
Service Area – 250 square feet (2000 cubic feet) 12'x20' w/ 8 foot ceiling
Whisper Quiet
125cfm air recirculation rate
100% filtration, no bypassed air.
Metal with baked white enamel finish using non-toxic zero out gassing paint.
Compact and portable, use in any room desired.
Heavy duty blower with sealed internal motor for safe trouble-free operation.
Four (4) plus pounds of our broad spectrum 100% Bituminous Carbon media.
Sealant and adhesive free.
Filter size – 400 square inches
(.3) particle filter
Efficiency – 99.26%
Floor or table placement
Stands 13 inches high by 10 inches in diameter.
Weight 14 lbs
Handle for easy transport, to go where you go.
110 vac – .6 amps low - .7 high
Power consumption is less than a 75 watt light bulb
100% Bituminous Carbon Car Filter
This compact machine provides high recirculation with superior
cleaning ability. Contains 100% Bituminous Carbon. It is also used by our customers who may have a sensitivity to Coconut shell carbon.
Removes: Mold Spores, Dust Mites, Pollen, Formaldehyde, Irritating Gases, Offensive Odors and much more

Full spectrum/ Multi-Function (removes gases and particle from air)
2-speed operation
Service Area – Auto
75cfm air recirculation rate
100% filtration, no bypassed air.
Metal with baked white enamel finish using non-toxic zero out gassing paint.
Compact and portable
Handle for easy transport
Heavy duty blower with sealed internal motor for safe trouble-free operation.
Two (2) plus pounds of our broad spectrum 100% Bituminous Carbon Media
Sealant and adhesive free.
Filter size – 200 square inches
(.3) particle filter
Efficiency – 99.26%
Floor or seat placement
Stands 6 inches high by 10 inches in diameter.
Weight 10 lbs
12VDC– 2 amps low - 3.5 amps high
Power consumption is easy on your car battery
100% Coconut Carbon Car Filter
This compact machine provides high recirculation with superior
cleaning ability. Contains 100% Coconut Carbon.
Removes: Mold Spores, Dust Mites, Pollen, Formaldehyde, Irritating Gases, Offensive Odors and much more.

Full spectrum/ Multi-Function (removes gases and particle from air)
2-speed operation
Service Area – Auto
75cfm air recirculation rate
100% filtration, no bypassed air.
Metal with baked white enamel finish using non-toxic zero out gassing paint.
Compact and portable
Handle for easy transport
Heavy duty blower with sealed internal motor for safe trouble-free operation.
Two (2) plus pounds of our broad spectrum 100% Coconut Carbon media.
Sealant and adhesive free.
Filter size – 200 square inches
(.3) particle filter
Efficiency – 99.26%
Floor or seat placement
Stands 6 inches high by 10 inches in diameter.
Weight 10 lbs
12VDC– 2 amps low - 3.5 amps high
Power consumption is easy on your car battery

Asthma and Allergies: People with asthma and allergies suffer enormous discomfort when exposed to pollution. It is very important to have a clean environment, free of chemicals and pollutants, in order to insure a good nights sleep, especially for children. In our experience, we have found that those who suffer from asthma and allergies need a high-quality air purifier that is also user friendly and whisper quiet. The Aireox D-Model 45 room air purifier is the perfect answer, it is whisper quiet for bedroom use and “User-friendly”. It is also designed to run 24 hours a day.
H.E.P.A: The term “HEPA” stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. The H.E.P.A filter is a pleated type filter whose only function is to remove particles from the air (dust, smoke, pollen etc.) Normally the H.E.P.A type filters use large amounts of adhesives to seal off the ends of the pleated material. The sealant required can out-gas and cause people to have a bad reaction, especially those who are chemically sensitive or have asthma or other allergies. That is why Aireox particle filters are user-friendly and do not require adhesives that can outgas chemicals into the air.
MTB’s: MTB’s are a by-product of an additive now used in more and more gasoline products. It is used to decrease auto exhaust emissions. In some cases, the emissions from this additive can make people sick, robbing them of well being and interrupting their sleep. A bedroom and air purifier will help control the problem.
Ozone: Ozone is a very dangerous gas that can cause damage to lung tissue when exposed to high concentrations or prolonged exposure. Ozone is found in smog and is also produced by some home appliances. The Aireox air purifier’s abundant Activated Carbon/Purafil media bed will effectively remove ozone from the environment.
Mold Spores and Dust Mites: Mold spores are the air born seeds that can produce new mold growth. Some people find they are allergic to mold spores or dust mites, a microscopic insect that clings to dust particles. Exposure to the mites should be reduced as much as possible. The Aireox air purifier’s half-micron (.5 micron) particle filter and abundant activated carbon effectively trap and remove both mold spores and dust mites from the air.
Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is a carbon based liquid that is found in a very large number of home and office products. These products include carpets, drapes, wood products, furniture, and insulation. This chemical is very irritating to people with asthma, allergies, MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) and many other people with breathing difficulties. A chemical control media is necessary for the removal of this gas from the indoor environment.
Chemical Control Media: There are a number of chemical control medias available. The two we prefer and recommend are Activated Carbon and a product called Purafil. We have used these two medias in our purifiers from the outset. Each media must be user friendly and not add to the problem, which requires years of testing to accomplish. Second, each media must be extremely effective at controlling airborne particles and chemicals. Below are descriptions of Chemical Control Media that we use.
Activated Carbon: Our primary activated carbon product is a high grade carbon that is well suited to airborne chemical removal. It has a hard composition with a very low inherent dust factor. Activated carbon is accomplished by using a superheated steam in the carbonization process that causes micro pores to form in the carbon, exposing the inner core of each chip. This allows the carbon a much greater surface area to absorb a larger amount of chemicals. Activated Carbon is our most popular form of media.
Purafil: Purafil is made from potassium permanganate. This product has been utilized in the industry for over thirty years. It works in a different manner than carbon, chemicals are actually oxidized and are then kept locked into the pellet. This product is generally not used as a sole media because we find that mixing the two products is more effective.
Purafil/Carbon (PC) Mixture: We recommend our PC mixture when dealing with aggressive chemicals, such as elevated levels of formaldehyde in homes or polyvinyl chlorides in automobiles.
Zeolite: In response to many inquiries about the possible use of Zeolite in our products, we would like to clarify our position. We do not use Zeolite in either of its forms, mined or artificially created. Our engineers feel that Zeolite’s ability to absorb or otherwise remove chemical pollutants is far too low. Aireox Research does not use Zeolite.