Is my home’s air making me sick?<br><br>
Is there an affordable method for testing my office indoor air quality?<br><br>
You may have many questions about your building’s air quality. Mold, asbestos, dust, and dander are some of the most common types of indoor air pollution. Finding out what exactly is in your air is an important step to improving the quality of the air you breathe. The Jossam Air Quality Test Kit is an accurate and affordable solution. The Jossam Air Quality Test Kit can be used to test your indoor home office or business environments for:<br><br>
• Total dust<br><br>
• Carcinogenic fibers (like includes ALL fibers like fiberglass and asbestos-like fibers )<br><br>
• Dander<br><br>
• Mold<br><br>
• Pollen<br><br>
• Bacteria<br><br>
• Asbestos fibers only (available as a separate kit)<br><br>
Testing your office air quality can be as simple as turning on your vacuum cleaner. The Jossam indoor air test kits are designed to both be very effective, affordable and simple to use.<br><br>
Jossam Tests